# Parser

You can customize the initial state of the module from the editor initialization, by passing the following Configuration Object (opens new window)

const editor = grapesjs.init({
 parser: {
   // options

Once the editor is instantiated you can use its API. Before using these methods you should get the module from the instance

const { Parser } = editor;


# Methods

# getConfig

Get configuration object

Returns Object (opens new window)

# parseHtml

Parse HTML string and return the object containing the Component Definition

# Parameters

# Examples

const resHtml = Parser.parseHtml(`<table><div>Hi</div></table>`, {
  htmlType: 'text/html', // default
// By using the `text/html`, this will fix automatically all the HTML syntax issues
// Indeed the final representation, in this case, will be `<div>Hi</div><table></table>`
const resXml = Parser.parseHtml(`<table><div>Hi</div></table>`, {
  htmlType: 'application/xml',
// This will preserve the original format as, from the XML point of view, is a valid format

Returns Object (opens new window) Object containing the result { html: ..., css: ... }

# parseCss

Parse CSS string and return an array of valid definition objects for CSSRules

# Parameters

# Examples

const res = Parser.parseCss('.cls { color: red }');
// [{ ... }]

Returns Array (opens new window)<Object (opens new window)> Array containing the result