# DataRecord

The DataRecord class represents a single record within a data source. It extends the base Model class and provides additional methods and properties specific to data records. Each DataRecord is associated with a DataSource and can trigger events when its properties change.

# DataRecord API

# Example of Usage

const record = new DataRecord({ id: 'record1', name: 'value1' }, { collection: dataRecords });
const path = record.getPath(); // e.g., 'SOURCE_ID.record1'
record.set('name', 'newValue');

# Parameters

  • props DataRecordProps Properties to initialize the data record.
  • opts Object (opens new window) Options for initializing the data record.

# getPath

Get the path of the record. The path is a string that represents the location of the record within the data source. Optionally, include a property name to create a more specific path.

# Parameters

# Examples

const pathRecord = record.getPath();
// e.g., 'SOURCE_ID.record1'
const pathRecord2 = record.getPath('myProp');
// e.g., 'SOURCE_ID.record1.myProp'

Returns String (opens new window) The path of the record.

# getPaths

Get both ID-based and index-based paths of the record. Returns an array containing the paths using both ID and index.

# Parameters

# Examples

const paths = record.getPaths();
// e.g., ['SOURCE_ID.record1', 'SOURCE_ID.0']

Returns Array (opens new window)<String (opens new window)> An array of paths.

# triggerChange

Trigger a change event for the record. Optionally, include a property name to trigger a change event for a specific property.

# Parameters

# set

Set a property on the record, optionally using transformers. If transformers are defined for the record, they will be applied to the value before setting it.

# Parameters

# Examples

record.set('name', 'newValue');
// Sets 'name' property to 'newValue'

Returns DataRecord The instance of the DataRecord.