# Pages
You can customize the initial state of the module from the editor initialization
const editor = grapesjs.init({
pageManager: {
pages: [
id: 'page-id',
styles: `.my-class { color: red }`, // or a JSON of styles
component: '<div class="my-class">My element</div>', // or a JSON of components
Once the editor is instantiated you can use its API. Before using these methods you should get the module from the instance
const pageManager = editor.Pages;
# Available Events
Added new page. The page is passed as an argument to the callback.
editor.on('page:add', (page) => { ... });
Page removed. The page is passed as an argument to the callback.
editor.on('page:remove', (page) => { ... });
New page selected. The newly selected page and the previous one, are passed as arguments to the callback.
editor.on('page:select', (page, previousPage) => { ... });
Page updated. The updated page and the object containing changes are passed as arguments to the callback.
editor.on('page:update', (page, changes) => { ... });
Catch-all event for all the events mentioned above. An object containing all the available data about the triggered event is passed as an argument to the callback.
editor.on('page', ({ event, model, ... }) => { ... });
# getAll
Get all pages
# Examples
const arrayOfPages = pageManager.getAll();
Returns Array (opens new window)<Page>
# add
Add new page
# Parameters
Object (opens new window) Page propertiesopts
Object (opens new window)? Options (optional, default{}
# Examples
const newPage = pageManager.add({
id: 'new-page-id', // without an explicit ID, a random one will be created
styles: `.my-class { color: red }`, // or a JSON of styles
component: '<div class="my-class">My element</div>', // or a JSON of components
Returns Page
# remove
Remove page
# Parameters
(String (opens new window) | Page) Page or page idopts
any (optional, default{}
# Examples
const removedPage = pageManager.remove('page-id');
// or by passing the page
const somePage = pageManager.get('page-id');
Returns Page Removed Page
# move
Move a page to a specific index in the pages collection. If the index is out of bounds, the page will not be moved.
# Parameters
(string (opens new window) | Page) Page or page id to move.opts
Object (opens new window)? Move options (optional, default{}
number (opens new window)? The target index where the page should be moved.
# Examples
// Move a page to index 2
const movedPage = pageManager.move('page-id', { at: 2 });
if (movedPage) {
console.log('Page moved successfully:', movedPage);
} else {
console.log('Page could not be moved.');
Returns (Page | undefined (opens new window)) The moved page, or undefined
if the page does not exist or the index is out of bounds.
# get
Get page by id
# Parameters
String (opens new window) Page id
# Examples
const somePage = pageManager.get('page-id');
Returns Page
# getMain
Get main page (the first one available)
# Examples
const mainPage = pageManager.getMain();
Returns Page
# getAllWrappers
Get wrapper components (aka body) from all pages and frames.
# Examples
const wrappers = pageManager.getAllWrappers();
// Get all `image` components from the project
const allImages = wrappers.map(wrp => wrp.findType('image')).flat();
Returns Array (opens new window)<Component>
# select
Change the selected page. This will switch the page rendered in canvas
# Parameters
(String (opens new window) | Page) Page or page idopts
SetOptions (optional, default{}
# Examples
// or by passing the page
const somePage = pageManager.get('page-id');
Returns this
# getSelected
Get the selected page
# Examples
const selectedPage = pageManager.getSelected();
Returns Page
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