# Editor

Editor contains the top level API which you'll probably use to customize the editor or extend it with plugins. You get the Editor instance on init method and you can pass options via its Configuration Object (opens new window)

const editor = grapesjs.init({
   // options

# Available Events

You can make use of available events in this way

editor.on('EVENT-NAME', (some, argument) => {
   // do something
  • update - The structure of the template is updated (its HTML/CSS)
  • undo - Undo executed
  • redo - Redo executed
  • load - Editor is loaded

# Components

Check the Components module.

# Keymaps

Check the Keymaps module.

# Style Manager

Check the Style Manager module.

# Storage

Check the Storage module.

# Canvas

Check the Canvas module.


Check the Rich Text Editor module.

# Commands

Check the Commands module.

# Selectors

Check the Selectors module.

# Blocks

Check the Blocks module.

# Assets

Check the Assets module.

Check the Modal module.

# Devices

Check the Devices module.

# Parser

Check the Parser module.

# Pages

Check the Pages module.

# Methods

# getConfig

Returns configuration object

# Parameters

  • prop P?

Returns any Returns the configuration object or the value of the specified property

# getHtml

Returns HTML built inside canvas

# Parameters

Returns string (opens new window) HTML string

# getCss

Returns CSS built inside canvas

# Parameters

Returns (String (opens new window) | Array (opens new window)<CssRule>) CSS string or array of CssRules

# getJs

Returns JS of all components

# Parameters

Returns String (opens new window) JS string

# getComponents

Return the complete tree of components. Use getWrapper to include also the wrapper

Returns Components

# getWrapper

Return the wrapper and its all components

Returns Component

# setComponents

Set components inside editor's canvas. This method overrides actual components

# Parameters

# Examples

editor.setComponents('<div class="cls">New component</div>');
// or
 type: 'text',
  content: 'New component'

Returns this

# addComponents

Add components

# Parameters

# Examples

editor.addComponents('<div class="cls">New component</div>');
// or
 type: 'text',
  content: 'New component'

Returns Array (opens new window)<Component>

# getStyle

Returns style in JSON format object

Returns Object (opens new window)

# setStyle

Set style inside editor's canvas. This method overrides actual style

# Parameters

# Examples

editor.setStyle('.cls{color: red}');
  selectors: ['cls'],
  style: { color: 'red' }

Returns this

# addStyle

Add styles to the editor

# Parameters

# Examples

editor.addStyle('.cls{color: red}');

Returns Array (opens new window)<CssRule> Array of created CssRule instances

# getSelected

Returns the last selected component, if there is one

Returns Model

# getSelectedAll

Returns an array of all selected components

Returns Array (opens new window)

# getSelectedToStyle

Get a stylable entity from the selected component. If you select a component without classes the entity is the Component itself and all changes will go inside its 'style' attribute. Otherwise, if the selected component has one or more classes, the function will return the corresponding CSS Rule

Returns Model

# select

Select a component

# Parameters

# Examples

// Select dropped block
editor.on('block:drag:stop', function(model) {

Returns this

# selectAdd

Add component to selection

# Parameters

# Examples


Returns this

# selectRemove

Remove component from selection

# Parameters

# Examples


Returns this

# selectToggle

Toggle component selection

# Parameters

# Examples


Returns this

# getEditing

Returns, if active, the Component enabled in rich text editing mode.

# Examples

const textComp = editor.getEditing();
if (textComp) {
 console.log('HTML: ', textComp.toHTML());

Returns (Component | null)

# setDevice

Set device to the editor. If the device exists it will change the canvas to the proper width

# Parameters

# Examples


Returns this

# getDevice

Return the actual active device

# Examples

var device = editor.getDevice();
// 'Tablet'

Returns string (opens new window) Device name

# runCommand

Execute command

# Parameters

# Examples

editor.runCommand('myCommand', {someValue: 1});

Returns any The return is defined by the command

# stopCommand

Stop the command if stop method was provided

# Parameters

# Examples

editor.stopCommand('myCommand', {someValue: 1});

Returns any The return is defined by the command

# store

Store data to the current storage. This will reset the counter of changes (editor.getDirtyCount()).

# Parameters

# Examples

const storedData = await editor.store();

Returns Object (opens new window) Stored data.

# load

Load data from the current storage.

# Parameters

# Examples

const data = await editor.load();

Returns Object (opens new window) Loaded data.

# getProjectData

Get the JSON project data, which could be stored and loaded back with editor.loadProjectData(json)

# Examples

// { pages: [...], styles: [...], ... }

Returns Object (opens new window)

# loadProjectData

Load data from the JSON project

# Parameters

# Examples

editor.loadProjectData({ pages: [...], styles: [...], ... })

# getContainer

Returns container element. The one which was indicated as 'container' on init method

Returns HTMLElement (opens new window)

# getDirtyCount

Return the count of changes made to the content and not yet stored. This count resets at any store()

Returns number (opens new window)

# clearDirtyCount

Reset the counter of changes.

# refresh

Update editor dimension offsets

This method could be useful when you update, for example, some position of the editor element (eg. canvas, panels, etc.) with CSS, where without refresh you'll get misleading position of tools

# Parameters

# setCustomRte

Replace the built-in Rich Text Editor with a custom one.

# Parameters

# Examples

  // Function for enabling custom RTE
  // el is the HTMLElement of the double clicked Text Component
  // rte is the same instance you have returned the first time you call
  // enable(). This is useful if need to check if the RTE is already enabled so
  // ion this case you'll need to return the RTE and the end of the function
  enable: function(el, rte) {
    rte = new MyCustomRte(el, {}); // this depends on the Custom RTE API
    return rte; // return the RTE instance

  // Disable the editor, called for example when you unfocus the Text Component
 disable: function(el, rte) {
    rte.blur(); // this depends on the Custom RTE API

// Called when the Text Component is focused again. If you returned the RTE instance
// from the enable function, the enable won't be called again instead will call focus,
// in this case to avoid double binding of the editor
 focus: function (el, rte) {
  rte.focus(); // this depends on the Custom RTE API

# setCustomParserCss

Replace the default CSS parser with a custom one. The parser function receives a CSS string as a parameter and expects an array of CSSRule objects as a result. If you need to remove the custom parser, pass null as the argument

# Parameters

# Examples

editor.setCustomParserCss(css => {
 const result = [];
 // ... parse the CSS string
   selectors: '.someclass, div .otherclass',
   style: { color: 'red' }
 // ...
 return result;

Returns this

# setDragMode

Change the global drag mode of components. To get more about this feature read: https://github.com/GrapesJS/grapesjs/issues/1936 (opens new window)

# Parameters

Returns this

# log

Trigger event log message

# Parameters

# Examples

editor.log('Something done!', { ns: 'from-plugin-x', level: 'info' });
// This will trigger following events
// `log`, `log:info`, `log-from-plugin-x`, `log-from-plugin-x:info`
// Callbacks of those events will always receive the message and
// options, as arguments, eg:
// editor.on('log:info', (msg, opts) => console.info(msg, opts))

Returns this

# t

Translate label

# Parameters

# Examples

// use params
editor.t('msg2', { params: { test: 'hello' } });
// custom local
editor.t('msg2', { params: { test: 'hello' } l: 'it' });

Returns String (opens new window)

# on

Attach event

# Parameters

Returns this

# once

Attach event and detach it after the first run

# Parameters

Returns this

# off

Detach event

# Parameters

Returns this

# trigger

Trigger event

# Parameters

Returns this

# destroy

Destroy the editor

# render

Render editor

Returns HTMLElement (opens new window)

# onReady

Trigger a callback once the editor is loaded and rendered. The callback will be executed immediately if the method is called on the already rendered editor.

# Parameters

# Examples

editor.onReady(() => {
  // perform actions

# html

Print safe HTML by using ES6 tagged template strings.

# Parameters

# Examples

const unsafeStr = '<script>....</script>';
const safeStr = '<b>Hello</b>';
// Use `$${var}` to avoid escaping
const strHtml = editor.html`Escaped ${unsafeStr} unescaped $${safeStr}`;

Returns String (opens new window)