# Components

With this module is possible to manage components inside the canvas. You can customize the initial state of the module from the editor initialization, by passing the following Configuration Object (opens new window)

const editor = grapesjs.init({
 domComponents: {
   // options

Once the editor is instantiated you can use its API and listen to its events. Before using these methods, you should get the module from the instance.

// Listen to events
editor.on('component:create', () => { ... });

// Use the API
const cmp = editor.Components;

# Available Events

  • component:create - Component is created (only the model, is not yet mounted in the canvas), called after the init() method
  • component:mount - Component is mounted to an element and rendered in canvas
  • component:add - Triggered when a new component is added to the editor, the model is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:remove - Triggered when a component is removed, the model is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:remove:before - Triggered before the remove of the component, the model, remove function (if aborted via options, with this function you can complete the remove) and options (use options.abort = true to prevent remove), are passed as arguments to the callback
  • component:clone - Triggered when a component is cloned, the new model is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:update - Triggered when a component is updated (moved, styled, etc.), the model is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:update:{propertyName} - Listen any property change, the model is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:styleUpdate - Triggered when the style of the component is updated, the model is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:styleUpdate:{propertyName} - Listen for a specific style property change, the model is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:selected - New component selected, the selected model is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:deselected - Component deselected, the deselected model is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:toggled - Component selection changed, toggled model is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:type:add - New component type added, the new type is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:type:update - Component type updated, the updated type is passed as an argument to the callback
  • component:drag:start - Component drag started. Passed an object, to the callback, containing the target (component to drag), parent (parent of the component) and index (component index in the parent)
  • component:drag - During component drag. Passed the same object as in component:drag:start event, but in this case, parent and index are updated by the current pointer
  • component:drag:end - Component drag ended. Passed the same object as in component:drag:start event, but in this case, parent and index are updated by the final pointer
  • component:resize - During component resize.

# Methods

# getWrapper

Returns root component inside the canvas. Something like <body> inside HTML page The wrapper doesn't differ from the original Component Model

# Examples

// Change background of the wrapper and set some attribute
var wrapper = cmp.getWrapper();
wrapper.set('style', {'background-color': 'red'});
wrapper.set('attributes', {'title': 'Hello!'});

Returns Component Root Component

# getComponents

Returns wrapper's children collection. Once you have the collection you can add other Components(Models) inside. Each component can have several nested components inside and you can nest them as more as you wish.

# Examples

// Let's add some component
var wrapperChildren = cmp.getComponents();
var comp1 = wrapperChildren.add({
  style: { 'background-color': 'red'}
var comp2 = wrapperChildren.add({
  tagName: 'span',
  attributes: { title: 'Hello!'}
// Now let's add an other one inside first component
// First we have to get the collection inside. Each
// component has 'components' property
var comp1Children = comp1.get('components');
// Procede as before. You could also add multiple objects
  { style: { 'background-color': 'blue'}},
  { style: { height: '100px', width: '100px'}}
// Remove comp2

Returns Components Collection of components

# addComponent

Add new components to the wrapper's children. It's the same as 'cmp.getComponents().add(...)'

# Parameters

# Examples

// Example of a new component with some extra property
var comp1 = cmp.addComponent({
  tagName: 'div',
  removable: true, // Can't remove it
  draggable: true, // Can't move it
  copyable: true, // Disable copy/past
  content: 'Content text', // Text inside component
  style: { color: 'red'},
  attributes: { title: 'here' }

Returns (Component | Array (opens new window)<Component>) Component/s added

# clear

Remove all components

# Parameters

  • opts (optional, default {})

Returns this

# addType

Add new component type. Read more about this in Define New Component (opens new window)

# Parameters

Returns this

# getType

Get component type. Read more about this in Define New Component (opens new window)

# Parameters

Returns Object (opens new window) Component type definition, eg. { model: ..., view: ... }

# removeType

Remove component type

# Parameters

Returns (Object (opens new window) | undefined (opens new window)) Removed component type, undefined otherwise

# getTypes

Return the array of all types

Returns Array (opens new window)

# isComponent

Check if the object is a [Component].

# Parameters

# Examples

cmp.isComponent(editor.getSelected()); // true
cmp.isComponent({}); // false

Returns Boolean (opens new window)

# addSymbol

Add a new symbol from a component. If the passed component is not a symbol, it will be converted to an instance and will return the main symbol. If the passed component is already an instance, a new instance will be created and returned. If the passed component is the main symbol, a new instance will be created and returned.

# Parameters

  • component Component Component from which create a symbol.

# Examples

const symbol = cmp.addSymbol(editor.getSelected());
// cmp.getSymbolInfo(symbol).isSymbol === true;

Returns Component

# getSymbols

Get the array of main symbols.

# Examples

const symbols = cmp.getSymbols();
// [Component, Component, ...]
// Removing the main symbol will detach all the relative instances.

Returns Array (opens new window)<Component>

# detachSymbol

Detach symbol instance from the main one. The passed symbol instance will become a regular component.

# Parameters

  • component Component The component symbol to detach.

# Examples

const cmpInstance = editor.getSelected();
// cmp.getSymbolInfo(cmpInstance).isInstance === true;
// cmp.getSymbolInfo(cmpInstance).isInstance === false;

# getSymbolInfo

Get info about the symbol.

# Parameters

# Examples

// > { isSymbol: true, isMain: false, isInstance: true, ... }

Returns Object (opens new window) Object containing symbol info.

# canMove

Check if a component can be moved inside another one.

# Parameters

  • target Component The target component is the one that is supposed to receive the source one.
  • source (Component | String (opens new window)) The source can be another component, a component definition or an HTML string.
  • index Number (opens new window)? Index position, if not specified, the check will be performed against appending the source to the target.

# Examples

const rootComponent = editor.getWrapper();
const someComponent = editor.getSelected();

// Check with two components
editor.Components.canMove(rootComponent, someComponent);

// Check with component definition
editor.Components.canMove(rootComponent, { tagName: 'a', draggable: false });

// Check with HTML string
editor.Components.canMove(rootComponent, '<form>...</form>');

Returns Object (opens new window) Object containing the result (Boolean), source, target (as Components), and a reason (Number) with these meanings:* 0 - Invalid source. This is a default value and should be ignored in case the result is true.

  • 1 - Source doesn't accept target as destination.
  • 2 - Target doesn't accept source.