# Panels
You can customize the initial state of the module from the editor initialization, by passing the following Configuration Object (opens new window)
const editor = grapesjs.init({
panels: {
// options
Once the editor is instantiated you can use its API. Before using these methods you should get the module from the instance
const panelManager = editor.Panels;
# getPanels
Returns the collection of panels
Returns Collection Collection of panel
# getPanelsEl
Returns panels element
Returns HTMLElement (opens new window)
# addPanel
Add new panel to the collection
# Parameters
(Object (opens new window) | Panel) Object with right properties or an instance of Panel
# Examples
const newPanel = panelManager.addPanel({
id: 'myNewPanel',
visible: true,
buttons: [...],
Returns Panel Added panel. Useful in case passed argument was an Object
# removePanel
Remove a panel from the collection
# Parameters
(Panel | String (opens new window)) Panel instance or panel id
# Examples
const somePanel = panelManager.getPanel('somePanel');
const removedPanel = panelManager.removePanel(somePanel);
// or by id
const removedPanel = panelManager.removePanel('myNewPanel');
Returns Panel Removed panel
# getPanel
Get panel by ID
# Parameters
string (opens new window) Id string
# Examples
const myPanel = panelManager.getPanel('myPanel');
Returns (Panel | null)
# addButton
Add button to the panel
# Parameters
string (opens new window) Panel's IDbutton
(Object (opens new window) | Button) Button object or instance of Button
# Examples
const newButton = panelManager.addButton('myNewPanel',{
id: 'myNewButton',
className: 'someClass',
command: 'someCommand',
attributes: { title: 'Some title'},
active: false,
// It's also possible to pass the command as an object
// with .run and .stop methods
command: {
run: function(editor) {
stop: function(editor) {
// Or simply like a function which will be evaluated as a single .run command
command: function(editor) {
Returns (Button | null) Added button. Useful in case passed button was an Object
# removeButton
Remove button from the panel
# Parameters
String (opens new window) Panel's IDbutton
String (opens new window) Button's ID
# Examples
const removedButton = panelManager.addButton('myNewPanel',{
id: 'myNewButton',
className: 'someClass',
command: 'someCommand',
attributes: { title: 'Some title'},
active: false,
const removedButton = panelManager.removeButton('myNewPanel', 'myNewButton');
Returns (Button | null) Removed button.
# getButton
Get button from the panel
# Parameters
string (opens new window) Panel's IDid
string (opens new window) Button's ID
# Examples
const button = panelManager.getButton('myPanel', 'myButton');
Returns (Button | null)
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