# Devices
You can customize the initial state of the module from the editor initialization, by passing the following Configuration Object (opens new window)
const editor = grapesjs.init({
deviceManager: {
// options
Once the editor is instantiated you can use its API. Before using these methods you should get the module from the instance
const deviceManager = editor.Devices;
# Available Events
- Added new device. The Device is passed as an argument to the callbackdevice:remove
- Device removed. The Device is passed as an argument to the callbackdevice:select
- New device selected. The newly selected Device and the previous one, are passed as arguments to the callbackdevice:update
- Device updated. The updated Device and the object containing changes are passed as arguments to the callbackdevice
- Catch-all event for all the events mentioned above. An object containing all the available data about the triggered event is passed as an argument to the callback
# Methods
# add
Add new device
# Parameters
Object (opens new window) Device propertiesoptions
Record<string (opens new window), any> (optional, default{}
# Examples
const device1 = deviceManager.add({
// Without an explicit ID, the `name` will be taken. In case of missing `name`, a random ID will be created.
id: 'tablet',
name: 'Tablet',
width: '900px', // This width will be applied on the canvas frame and for the CSS media
const device2 = deviceManager.add({
id: 'tablet2',
name: 'Tablet 2',
width: '800px', // This width will be applied on the canvas frame
widthMedia: '810px', // This width that will be used for the CSS media
height: '600px', // Height will be applied on the canvas frame
Returns Device Added device
# get
Return device by ID
# Parameters
String (opens new window) ID of the device
# Examples
const device = deviceManager.get('Tablet');
// {name: 'Tablet', width: '900px'}
Returns (Device | null)
# remove
Remove device
# Parameters
(String (opens new window) | Device) Device or device idopts
(optional, default{}
# Examples
const removed = deviceManager.remove('device-id');
// or by passing the Device
const device = deviceManager.get('device-id');
Returns Device Removed device
# getDevices
Return all devices
# Examples
const devices = deviceManager.getDevices();
// [{name: 'Desktop', width: ''}, ...]
Returns Array (opens new window)<Device>
# select
Change the selected device. This will update the frame in the canvas
# Parameters
(String (opens new window) | Device) Device or device idopts
(optional, default{}
# Examples
// or by passing the page
const device = deviceManager.get('some-id');
# getSelected
Get the selected device
# Examples
const selected = deviceManager.getSelected();
Returns Device